Fire Department

Fire Department

289 Highland Drive
Kohler WI 53044

Phone: (920) 459-3876


Fire Chief




Deputy Chief 



Deputy Chief




The Kohler Volunteer Fire Department, founded in 1914, consists of 26 active firefighters, and 17 social members. The active firefighters drill/practice at least 2 times per month, usually on the 1st and 3rd Mondays, and meet on the 4th Monday for the regular business/social meeting. Periodically there are special training exercises scheduled on other days, and new active members are expected to participate in about 60 hours of special training in their first 1-2 years to bring themselves to a proper level of firefighting knowledge and skill. Frequently the special training can be scheduled on our normal practice nights so that new firefighters aren't training more than 3 times a month. Active firefighters are issued a pager, which signals them to report to the station for various emergencies. They are on call 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Firefighters are paid $15 for every training exercise they participate in, and $25 for every emergency they respond to. Records of attendance are maintained, and a one-time payment is made each December. Every firefighter is issued a complete set of protective gear and taught how to use it. All firefighters are expected to make a reasonable effort to attend practices and respond to emergencies. It is understood that certain work circumstances, family activities and personal matters will sometimes conflict with Fire Department schedules, and not permit participation at all practices, alarms and social functions. All Active and Social members pay $24 a year in dues to belong to the Kohler Fire Department. There are many activities that the entire membership can get involved with such as: annual bowling tournament; 2 or 3 softball games or contests against other fire departments; water fights; monthly social meetings at the station; an annual banquet and awards night that includes spouses/guests; and our annual fund-raiser Brat Fry each May. The Kohler Fire Department is a unique blend of dedicated professionals working to save lives and protect property, and also enjoy the goodfellowship and fun of each other's company. We welcome any Kohler resident, 18 years or older, who may be interested in joining our group, to contact any active or social member with any questions you may have about the Kohler Fire Department, and how to join.